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File V7N2_Editorial.pdf
JISSec Volume 7, Number 2 Editorial
Cart Item JISSec_V7N2_Thambusamy_p49_CI
Design of a Secure Electronic Medical Records Process Using Secure Activity Resource Coordination, by Ravi Thambusamy and Rahul Singh - Cart Item
Record V7N2_Born.html
Cart Item JISSec_V7N2_Martins_p15_CI
Comparing the Effectiveness of Antispyware Removal Tools, by W. Martins and S. M. Furnell - Cart Item
Cart Item JISSec_V7N2_Nohlberg_p3_CI
A Conceptual Model of Social Engineering, by Marcus Nohlberg, Benkt Wangler and Stewart Kowalski - Cart Item
Record V7N2_Nohlberg.html
Document V7N2.html
JISSec Volume 7, Number 2 (2011) contents
Document V7.html
JISSec contents: Volume 7
Document V7N1.html
JISSec Volume 7, Number 1 (2011) contents
Cart Item JISSec_V7N1_Pant_p48_CI
Tutorial - Certainly Verifiable Cryptography Using the Verifiable Uncertainty of Quantum Physics: A Primer on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), by Vik Pant and ...
Record V7N1_Pant.html
Cart Item JISSec_V7N1_Posey_p24_CI
When computer monitoring backfires: Privacy invasions and organizational injustice as precursors to computer abuse, by Clay Posey, Rebecca J. Bennett, Tom L. ...
Record V7N1_Posey.html
Cart Item JISSec_V7N1_Jansen_p3_CI
Research Directions in Security Metrics, by Wayne Jansen - Cart Item
Record V7N1_Jansen.html
File V7N1_Editorial.pdf
JISSec Volume 7, Number 1 Editorial
File V7N1_FrontMatter.pdf
JISSec Volume 7, Number 1 Front Matter
Folder N4
JISSec Volume 6, Number 4
Folder N1
JISSec Volume 7, Number 1
Folder V7
JISSec Volume 7 (2011)
News Item Volume 7, Number 3
This is JISSec Volume 7, Number 3 launch announcement
Document V6N4.html
JISSec Volume 6, Number 4 (2010) contents
Cart Item JISSec_V6N4_Ahlfeldt_p71_CI
Patient Safety and Patient Privacy in Information Security from the patient's view: A Case Study, by Rose-Mharie Åhlfeldt and Eva Söderström - Cart Item
Cart Item JISSec_V6N4_Cazier_p53_CI
Password Collection through Social Engineering: An Analysis of a Simulated Attack, by Joseph A. Cazier and Christopher M. Botelho - Cart Item
Cart Item JISSec_V6N4_Taeha_p20_CI
Economic Analysis of Digital Rights Management for Software Updates, by Taeha Kim and Alexander Talalayevsky - Cart Item
Cart Item JISSec_V6N4_Thomson_p3_CI
Information Security Conscience: a precondition to an Information Security Culture?, by Kerry-Lynn Thomson - Cart Item
Record V6N4_Ahlfeldt.html
Record V6N4_Cazier.html
Record V6N4_Taeha.html
File V6N4_Editorial.pdf
JISSec Volume 6, Number 4 Editorial