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Record V10N2_Beebe.html
Cart Item JISSec_V10N2_Sommestad_p3_CI
Quantifying the Effectivenness of Intrusion Detection Systems in Operation through Domain Experts, by Teodor Sommestad, Hannes Holm, Mathias Ekstedt and ...
Record V10N2_Sommestad.html
File V10N2_Editorial.pdf
JISSec Volume 10, Number 2 Editorial
File V10N2_FrontMatter.pdf
JISSec Volume 10, Number 2 Front Matter
Document V10N2.html
JISSec Volume 10, Number 2 (2014) contents
Folder N2
JISSec Volume 10, Number 2
Document V10N1.html
JISSec Volume 10, Number 1 (2014) contents
Cart Item JISSec_V10N1_Crathorne_p79_CI
The 17th Global Information Security Survey Industry Report, by Mark Crathorne - Cart Item
Record V10N1_Crathorne.html
Cart Item JISSec_V10N1_Raymond_p41_CI
Generative Control Theory for Information Security, by Benoit Raymond and Richard Baskerville - Cart Item
Record V10N1_Raymond.html
Cart Item JISSec_V10N1_Schuessler_p3_CI
Systems Security Effectiveness in Large versus Small Businesses, by Joseph H. Schuessler, John Windsor and Yu “Andy” Wu - Cart Item
Record V10N1_Schuessler.html
File V10N1_Editorial.pdf
JISSec Volume 10, Number 1 Editorial
Document V10.html
JISSec contents: Volume 10
File V10N1_FrontMatter.pdf
JISSec Volume 10, Number 1 Front Matter
Folder N1
JISSec Volume 10, Number 1
Folder V10
JISSec Volume 10 (2014)
News Item Volume 10, Number 3
This is JISSec Volume 10, Number 3 launch announcement
News Item Volume 10, Number 2
This is JISSec Volume 10, Number 2 launch announcement
News Item Volume 9, Number 2
This is JISSec Volume 9, Number 2 launch announcement
News Item Volume 9, Number 1
This is JISSec Volume 9, Number 1 launch announcement
Cart Item JISSec_V9N2_Bachlechner_p29_CI
Mitigating the Risk Employees Pose to Information Security: Findings of a Series of Interviews with Information Security Professionals , by Daniel Bachlechner, ...
Cart Item JISSec_V9N2_Dai_p3_CI
An Investigation of Consumer’s Security and Privacy Perceptions in Mobile Commerce, by Hua Dai, Rahul Singh and Lakshmi S. Iyer - Cart Item
Record V9N2_Dai.html
File V9N2_Editorial.pdf
JISSec Volume 9, Number 2 Editorial
File V9N2_FrontMatter.pdf
JISSec Volume 9, Number 2 Front Matter
Document V9N2.html
JISSec Volume 9, Number 2 (2013) contents
Record V9N2_Bachlechner.html