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File V19N2_Dhillon_p91.pdf
The Intellectual Core of Information Systems Security, by Gurpreet Dhillon - Full Text
Cart Item JISSec_V19N2_Alshammari_p133_CI
House of Cards: Developing KPIs for Monitoring Cybersecurity Awareness (CSA), by Mohammad Mulayh Alshammari and Dionysios S. Demetis - Cart Item
Record V19N2_Alshammari.html
Cart Item JISSec_V19N2_Schwartz_p115_CI
The Next Big Strategic Play: Cybersecurity as a Competitive Advantage, by Tamara Schwartz, Jose Ignacio Parada, Fred Cohn, George Wrenn and Keri E. Pearlson - ...
Record V19N2_Schwartz.html
File V19N2_Editorial.pdf
JISSec Volume 19, Number 2 Editorial
File V19N2_FrontMatter.pdf
JISSec Volume 19, Number 2 Front Matter
Folder N2
JISSec Volume 19, Number 2
News Item Volume 19, Number 1
This is JISSec Volume 19, Number 1 launch announcement
Cart Item JISSec_V19N1_Vedadi_p19_CI
An Empirical Analysis of the Factors Driving Organizational Satisfaction with Security-as-a-Service, by Ali Vedadi, Timothy Greer and Nita Brooks - Cart Item
Record V19N1_Vedadi.html
File V19N1_Editorial.pdf
JISSec Volume 19, Number 1 Editorial
File V19N1_FrontMatter.pdf
JISSec Volume 19, Number 1 Front Matter
Folder N1
JISSec Volume 19, Number 1
Folder V19
JISSec contents: Volume 19
Folder N3
JISSec Volume 18, Number 3
File V18N3_Dhillon_p167.pdf
A Bad Review Is As Much of A Labor to Write As A Good One: The Four Principles for Reviewing Research Manuscripts, by Gurprret Dhillon - Full Text
Cart Item JISSec_V18N3_Rabie_p155_CI
Cyber Terrorism: A Critical Assessment of the Threat Landscape and Countermeasures, by Osama Rabie - Cart Item
Record V18N3_Rabie.html
File V18N3_Editorial.pdf
JISSec Volume 18, Number 3 Editorial
File V18N3_FrontMatter.pdf
JISSec Volume 18, Number 3 Front Matter
News Item Volume 18, Number 2
This is JISSec Volume 18, Number 2 launch announcement
Cart Item JISSec_V18N2_Kaur_p141_CI
Sharing Confidential Information and Privacy Calculus, by Joti Kaur and Simran Dhillon - Cart Item
Record V18N2_Kaur.html
Cart Item JISSec_V18N2_Xie_p125_CI
How Moral Intensity Affects Information Disorder Behavior on Social Media, by Wwi Xie - Cart Item
Record V18N2_Xie.html
Cart Item JISSec_V18N2_Bierens_p83_CI
Are We Ready to Manage Digital Risks Today and Tomorrow?, by Raymond Bierens and Abbas Shahim - Cart Item
Record V18N2_Bierens.html
File V18N2_Editorial.pdf
JISSec Volume 18, Number 2 Editorial
File V18N2_FrontMatter.pdf
JISSec Volume 18, Number 2 Front Matter