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Volume 7, Number 3

This is JISSec Volume 7, Number 3 launch announcement


Volume 7, Number 3


JISSec Volume 7, Number 3 is now available!

This is the second of two special issues focusing on papers selected from the 2010 Annual Security Conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.


JISSec Volume 7, Number 3 Table of Contents:

    • "A Firewall Data Log Analysis of Unauthorized and Suspicious Traffic", by John Week, Polina Ivanova, Sandy Week and Alexander McLeod
    • "Statistical analysis of Snort alarms for a medium-sized network", by Kitti Chantawut and Bogdan Ghita
    • "Computer Forensics: Examining the Effectiveness of File Deletion", by Mark B. Schmidt and Michael J. Condon
Enjoy this JISSec Special Issue!


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