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Managing Corporate Computer Crime and the Insider Threat: The Role of Cognitive Distortion Theory



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Journal of Information Systems Security
Volume 8, Number 2 (2012)
Pages 1941
ISSN 1551-0123 (Print)
ISSN 1551-0808 (Online)
Mark A. Harris — University of South Carolina, USA
Information Institute Publishing, Washington DC, USA




Dhillon and Backhouse (2000) state that the integrity of employees should be ascertained before giving them access to sensitive information. This paper investigates the integrity of individuals through the perspective of Cognitive Distortion Theory as a part of maximizing information security. Cognitive distortions are conceptualized as thoughts used to minimize, justify, or rationalize inappropriate behaviors, such as lying and stealing. Cognitive distortions are linked to criminal behavior and can be measured using the How I Think (HIT) questionnaire, a validated and widely used instrument. Two groups of information technology students completed the questionnaire. The control group received no treatment prior to the questionnaire, while the treatment group received cognitive distortion awareness training prior to completing the questionnaire. Results indicate that cognitive distortion awareness training had no significant effect on HIT scores. However, significant overall group effects were found between those that reported stealing from their employers and several key HIT subscales, such as minimizing the harm done to others. Males scored significantly worse than did females on the overall HIT score and the physical aggression subscale. Underclassmen scored significantly worse than did upperclassmen on the overall HIT score and several subscales, including lying. Implications for organizations are discussed.




Information; Security; Cyber; Crime; Computer; Crime; Awareness; Training; Cognitive; Distortion Theory; Insider; Threat; Occupational Fraud




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