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Just Trying to Be Friendly: A Case Study in Social Engineering



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Journal of Information Systems Security
Volume 4, Number 2 (2008)
Pages 5685
ISSN 1551-0123 (Print)
ISSN 1551-0808 (Online)
Doug White — Roger Williams University, USA
Alan Rea — Western Michigan University, USA
Information Institute Publishing, Washington DC, USA




This case is to be used in networking or general security courses Using a generational system security approach (Baskerville 1993; Siponen 2001) the case demonstrates how security policies and organizational procedures that do not take into account socio-technical approaches will ultimately not protect organizational systems in today's Digital Economy.

The scenario has been modified to protect the organizations and individuals involved. The case examines this scenario and focuses on how a security consultant tries to determine a technical solution only to find that the answer is in the social engineering realm. This case focuses on developing techniques to determine, evaluate, and then thwart social engineering mechanisms through the use of user education and socio-technical security policies and procedures.




Social Engineering, Case Studies, Data Security, Security Education, Hacker Tactics




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