MILD DSS - Conceptual Architecture, Validation and Representation
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Source | Journal of Information Systems Security Volume 4, Number 2 (2008)
Pages 26–55
ISSN 1551-0123 (Print)ISSN 1551-0808 (Online) |
Authors | Sohail Asghar — Monash University, Australia
Damminda Alahakoon — Monash University, Australia
Leonid Churilov — Monash University, Australia
Publisher | Information Institute Publishing, Washington DC, USA |
The acronym MILD DSS stands for "A MultI-Layered Architecture for Disaster Management Decision Support Systems". Disaster Management can be characterized as a complex and highly multi-disciplinary area. The necessity of decision-making in disaster management often requires a decision support system to fulfil dynamic and rapidly changing decision needs. The MILD DSS is dedicated to supporting decision-making in disaster management and is designed for such applications. With the MILD DSS, a DSS developer can make use of the subroutines (decomposed from existing DSS models for disaster management) categorised on the basis of environmental characteristics, disaster dependency and common decision support needs. The goal of the MILD DSS is to produce an integrated model based on a disaster scenario. In this article the conceptual architecture, prototype implementation details, validation and representation of the MILD DSS, is presented. The MILD DSS is validated by using a case study of the Hayman Fire. In addition, we propose a model representation technique to represent the structure of the integrated model. The design of the MILD DSS improves the efficiency and reusability of decision support systems for disaster management by considering the commonalities of decision support needs and the environmental as an essential and common factor with the ability to change the severity of a disaster.
Disaster Management, Decision Support Systems
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