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A Synthesis of Research on Insider Threats in Cybersecurity



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Journal of Information Systems Security
Volume 20, Number 3 (2024)
Pages 185217
ISSN 1551-0123 (Print)
ISSN 1551-0808 (Online)
Daniël Joubert — University of Pretoria, South Africa
Jan Eloff — University of Pretoria, South Africa
Information Institute Publishing, Washington DC, USA




Today, the “Insider Threat” problem remains a persistent dilemma. It refers to insiders, working within an organisation and causing harm to the organisation. The problem is that although the notion of “Insider Threat” is regarded as one of the major cybersecurity threats, it is also one of the lesser researched fields in cybersecurity. Furthermore, it is difficult to make an overall assessment of what aspects of “Insider Threat”-research is currently being undertaken and if the current research is indeed relevant for minimising cybersecurity risks. This study employed a topic modelling approach toward the identification of current insider threat research topics. The topic modelling outputs revealed current insider threat research topics such as: insider threats based on human behaviour; insider threat attack detection on networks; insider threats in cloud computing; insider threat detection within technologies; and the human factor in insider threat attacks. The identified current insider threat research topics were evaluated against current cybersecurity trends, to identify research gaps. The findings reported in this paper clearly indicate a misalignment between current insider threat research and current cybersecurity trends.




Insider Threat, Cybersecurity, Gaussian Mixture Model, Topic Modelling, Text Mining.




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