The Future of Cybersecurity: The Quantum Challenge
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Source | Journal of Information Systems Security Volume 20, Number 3 (2024)
Pages 167–183
ISSN 1551-0123 (Print)ISSN 1551-0808 (Online) |
Authors | Mário Caldeira — ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Mangemement, ULisboa and Deloitte Technology, Portugal
João Sabino — Deloitte Technology, Portugal
Publisher | Information Institute Publishing, Washington DC, USA |
Quantum technologies have garnered significant attention over the past two decades. Advances in quantum research have resulted in a wide range of applications, expanding the scope of quantum mechanics to several domains: sensing, computing and communications. In particular, quantum-enhanced cybersecurity emerged as a relevant topic, both in terms of threats and solutions.
Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important for society, in general, and organizations in particular. A fundamental pillar of cybersecurity is cryptography, which is used to encode and protect data. However, the cryptographic techniques that are used nowadays rely on the assumption that is impossible to factor large bit numbers in a meaningful period of time. More recently, this context has changed. Future quantum processors are likely to solve extremely challenging computational problems and break public-key cryptography by using brute-force attacks.
This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the “state of the art” of quantum technologies, explaining why and how they will affect cybersecurity. In order to protect critical information from more powerful and advanced hacking power, enabled by future quantum computers, organizations need to redefine their security procedures and implement new and emerging techniques and technologies, such as post-quantum cryptography (PQC) or quantum key distribution (QKD). They also need to establish organizational processes and develop competences to deal with this upcoming context.
Quantum Technologies, Information Security, Quantum Key Distribution, Post-quantum Cryptography.
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