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The Rationality of Automation Bias in Security Operation Centers



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Journal of Information Systems Security
Volume 20, Number 2 (2024)
Pages 89109
ISSN 1551-0123 (Print)
ISSN 1551-0808 (Online)
Jack Tilbury — The University of Tulsa, USA
Stephen Flowerday — The University of Tulsa, USA
Information Institute Publishing, Washington DC, USA




Security Operation Centers (SOCs) comprise people, processes, and technology and are responsible for protecting their respective organizations against any form of cyber incident. These teams consist of SOC analysts, ranging from Tier 1 to Tier 3. In defending against cyber-attacks, SOCs monitor and respond to alert traffic from numerous sources. However, a commonly discussed challenge is the volume of alerts that need to be assessed. To aid SOC analysts in the alert triage process, SOCs integrate automation and automated decision aids (ADAs). Research in the human-automation field has demonstrated that automation has the potential of cognitive skill degradation. This is because human operators can become over-reliant on automated systems despite the presence of contradictory information. This cognitive bias is known as automation bias. The result of this study is the development of four critical success factors (CSFs) for the adoption of automation within SOCs in an attempt to mitigate automation bias: (1) Task-based Automation; (2) Process-based Automation; (3) Automation Performance Appraisal; and (4) SOC Analyst Training of Automated Systems. In applying these CSFs, a beneficial balance between the SOC analyst and the use of automation is achieved. This study promotes the human-in-the-loop approach whereby experienced and cognitively aware SOC analysts remain at the core of SOC processes.




Security Operation Center, SOC, SOC Analyst, Automation Bias, Automated Decision Aids, Critical Success Factors.




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