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JISSec Volume 20, Number 1 (2024) contents


JISSec Contents

Volume 20 — Number 1



Front Matter


Coordinating in Threes: Unraveling Complexity in Information Systems Security Management
Gurpreet Dhillon — University of North Texas, USA


Online Video Games: Cyberlaundering Vulnerabilities and Controls
James Higgs — The University of Tulsa, USA
Stephen Flowerday — The University of Tulsa, USA


Defeat Data Breachers' Minds: Blockchain with Bounded Rationality to Advance Information Security
Yuanxiang John Li — Suffolk University, Boston, USA
Benjamin K. Ngugi
— Suffolk University, Boston, USA
Frank M. Lin — California State University, San Bernardino, USA


A Secure and Safe Deep Learning-Driven Blockchain Application for Advanced Plant Stress Phenotyping
Manjit Kaur — Akal University Talwandi Sabo, India
Upinder Kaur — Akal University Talwandi Sabo, India

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