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Anchoring Information Security Governance Research: Sociological Groundings and Future Directions



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Journal of Information Systems Security
Volume 2, Number 3 (2006)
Pages 348
ISSN 1551-0123 (Print)
ISSN 1551-0808 (Online)
Elspeth McFadzean — Henley Management College, UK
Jean-Noël Ezingeard — Henley Management College, UK
David Birchall — Henley Management College, UK
Information Institute Publishing, Washington DC, USA




An important aspect of management is to ensure the security of both the IT infrastructure and all the valuable information contained within the organisation. Keeping, information safe and secure is a key necessity for present day managers. The board of directors are ultimately accountable for their organisation’s success. It is therefore imperative that its members take responsibility for the protection of their company’s information. There has been a lot of research undertaken on information security but very little has been carried out on information security governance. This paper explores and critiques the literature on both information security and information security governance. In order to investigate these areas effectively, it is important to classify the different theories and to trace their intellectual origins. This paper uses Burrell and Morgan’s four sociological paradigms to explore the literature. These paradigms are functionalism, interpretivism, radical humanism and radical structuralism. The paper presents potential further research that may be carried out within all four paradigms. It shows that the majority of information security and information security governance research has been undertaken from the conventional functionalist paradigm. In order to gain a wider and more creative perspective it is recommended that more research should be carried out on these two areas from the other three perspectives thereby placing an emphasis on the human and organisational aspects.




Information Security, Governance, Sociological Paradigms, Future Research




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