Evaluation of Vulnerabilities in Computer Systems Users
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Source | Journal of Information Systems Security Volume 13, Number 1 (2017)
Pages 35–55
ISSN 1551-0123 (Print)ISSN 1551-0808 (Online) |
Authors | Isabel Candal-Vicente — Universidad del Este, Puerto Rico
Segundo Castro-Gonzáles — Universidad del Este, Puerto Rico
Janely García-Cortés — Xapiens International, Puerto Rico
Publisher | Information Institute Publishing, Washington DC, USA |
Information security is a complex subject for all kinds of entities, including home users, small businesses or multinational companies. The purposes of this study is to categorize levels of user knowledge about the risk of internet connectivity, categorize protection strategies that are used to control the risk of information security, and analyze the relationships between the different levels of knowledge that concern connection risk versus protection strategies for computer security. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 229 individuals. The 5-point Likert scale was used to measure the opinion of the participants with regard to the statements made in the questionnaire. The following alternatives were considered: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, disagree and do not know. This empirical research confirms: 1) the level of importance in knowledge of the cyber risks lies in five categories that explain the 60.6 % variance, 2) the level of importance in security strategies were found in six categories that explain the 63.47% variability, and 3) there is a strong correlation in the order of 86.6 % between the knowledge of cyber risks and protection strategies. For future works it is important to take in consideration that the performed research was generated first through a factorial analysis in order to determine which components are grouped with similar statistical characteristics.
Malicious Software, Information Security, Computer Security, Access Controls, Security Risk
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