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Systems Security Effectiveness in Large versus Small Businesses



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Journal of Information Systems Security
Volume 10, Number 1 (2014)
Pages 339
ISSN 1551-0123 (Print)
ISSN 1551-0808 (Online)
Joseph H. Schuessler — Tarleton State University, USA
John Windsor — The University of North Texas, USA
Yu “Andy” Wu — The University of North Texas, USA
Information Institute Publishing, Washington DC, USA




The growing importance of Information Systems Security (ISS) for organizations hasoccurred for numerous reasons. However, despite ISS being largely a managerialissue, managerial concern for ISS is still inadequate, as evidenced by its generally low ranking as a key issue in information systems management surveys.

This research seeks to shed light on ISS by conceptualizing an organization’s use ofcountermeasures using the Security Action Cycle, positioning a non-recursiverelationship between threats and countermeasures, and by extending the ISSconstruct developed by Kankanhalli, Teo, Tan & Wei (2003). Industry affiliation andorganizational size are considered in terms of the differences in threats that firmsface, the different countermeasures in use by various firms, and ultimately, how afirm’s ISS effectiveness is affected. Results and implications for researchers andpractitioners are discussed.




Security Action Cycle, Information Systems Security, Deterrence Theory, Security Effectiveness




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